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Bachelor of Education

About the Course

Programme Objectives

The B.Ed. programme mainly aims at providing a dynamic, competent & academic manpower such as teachers, educators, educational planners & administrators, system analysts and experts especially in the field of education. The specific objectives of the programme include the following"

-          Producing a qualified & competent teachers & educators.

-          Producing efficient educational planners, administrators, managers, supervisors & other educational experts.

-          Developing educational leadership that can transform the educational system of the country.

-          Promoting innovating & creative practices in the field of education.

-          Providing its teachers with research opportunities and refresher trainings for their professional development.

-          Supporting MOE in the formation of education policy programme, planning & their implementation and evaluation.

-          Providing the country with the teachers to teach visually impaired & hard of hearing people, and also to the differently abled pupils.

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Janak Bahadur Bista Lamki Chuha-8, Chuha, Kailali 9858422482 Assistance Campus Chief View Profile
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